Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Saw a swan nesting when I blipped the reservoir on Monday night so decided to go back tonight. However the swan nesting just had her head under her wing and wasn't doing photos so I took one of this chap instead. It's funny - they are so used to humans that as soon as I pulled up in the car a load of ducks and swans came over. When they realised I had no bread, they were soon off.

Managed to squeeze a ride in after work tonight on Lime - the first after work ride this year, which made me feel good. He was a real handful though. This is our first spring together and think he is a bit full of it. Just wants to gallop everywhere!!

Other good stuff that happened - we got Glastonbury tickets! First time in years. Hadn't bothered registering as thought no point but then they opened up registration again so I thought I would give it a go and got them today. How exciting!

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