
By cracker

The somewhat cleaner backyard!

Home from night shift this morning after having no calls. Kaz went downstairs to work and Spence and I got dressed in our 'working clothes' and went outside to deal with our debacle of a backyard!! Because we have been so busy with the reno and the weather has been cold and rainy lately, our own backyard hasn't been mowed in over a month and the half a tree that got blown down a while back was still laying in the yard waiting for me to get the chainsaw and cut it up!

Spence was good for a bit playing in the yard, then on the trampoline, but even though it was sunny, there was a really cold wind and he got cold quickly. Our lovely next door neighbour, Joe, came out and was helping me cut up the wood and said that Bev would look after Spence for me if I wanted! I said 'yes please' and took him over to their lovely warm house!!

Joe and I spent an hour and a half chopping, chainsawing and breaking up all the limbs then stacking them in a corner of the yard so they can dry out and then be used for the fire in a year or two!! It would have taken me so much longer if Joe hadn't helped!

We finished at lunchtime then I collected Spence from Bev who said he had been a very good boy. Bev was reading to him at one stage and he turned around, looked up at her and said 'Bev, you are really nice' then gave her a big hug! She said it was really lovely!

Spence had his sleep, I mowed the lawn, then it was time to get ready for work! It is my last night shift before having a month off on annual leave! I am so excited!

We are going to Traralgon tomorrow to get the last few things finished off and bring home heaps of tools and things that we have been using down there. A real estate agent is coming to look at the place tomorrow afternoon to let us know what she thinks we will get in rent. If we finish tomorrow then we have Saturday to take Spence to the movies to see Cars 2 and then clean our own house before going to Sandy Point on Sunday!! It's so exciting!!

This is the backyard as I was leaving for work, all mown the the trees cleaned up!

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