Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

What a fag

One of the most successful teams in the NHS in Surrey where I live is the smoking cessation / tobacco control team who do an amazing job of getting people to give up the evil weed. They have a whole variety of props, some of which they bought in for me to use in today's blip.

The M&Ms very kindly dressed up and played for me, and are pictured here totally on message, although the fag developed a slightly contrary character after a while and got a big aggressive until we took the cig-suit away.

If you want to see some more pics from this ten minute photo project click here. The Jar of Tar is particularly attractive, and if you stare at it for long enough I challenge even the most dedicated smoker to light up nonchalantly without thinking of that sea of black sludge in your lungs ...

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