Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Best Laid Plans

Four months ago I was given the task of getting my bit of the NHS ready for the Olympics. A lot of weekly meetings, a lot of teamwork, a lot of gritty problem solving, a lot of equipment purchases, a lot of head banging, a lot of joining up with colleagues in other agencies and a few tears later, we finally got to day one.

So at 6am this morning I'm at Police HQ and the barriers are going up all over Surrey for the cycle race and it's real. Had a busy morning sorting out issues but nothing major. When I handed over to a colleague and left at 2pm I have to say I was really pleased that we seemed to be on top of our stuff and were making a valuable contribution to the overall success of the games in this part of the world. Big thank you to Surrey Police and Surrey County Council in particular for their excellent organisation and leadership. Hope the rest of it all goes as well.

Other plans however do not always go as intended. This is the iPad I bought TSM for her birthday last week. I had hoped it would bring us together ... something that would enhance her enjoyment of my blips in particular ... but no ... the iPad and her have developed a relationship ... I'm excluded .. they have their own secret world, their shared experience that I cannot be a part of ... So not everything goes to plan ...

Only kidding. I'm glad she loves it. And she deserves it too. She's the most non-materialistic person I know and it's good to give her something that she loves.

Now, what's the plan for Sunday ... ?

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