A little emotional

The moment is fast approaching where James will finish his primary education. Tomorrow it is the Leaver's Assembly. We're going to watch. I'm taking plenty of hankies because I know I am going to cry.

It's most irrational!

It's the rapidly dawning realisation that my boy is growing up, faster than I can keep pace with. It seems like only yesterday that he and his friends started in Reception year - in fact it is 7 years ago. So, my brain has already made the leap that if 7 years goes so fast, the next 5 are going to fly by.
James has been very lucky to be in a year group full of lovely students. They all seem to get on very well, from what I can gather from James stories, and aside from a couple of moments which I think were more down to misunderstandings and misinterpretation, he has never had any issues, major fallings out or unpleasantness to deal with.

I hope that this will continue into High School.

Tonight is their "night at the Oscars" The parents and staff who have organised it have done a cracking job. All of the children arrived in suits or lovely dresses. The children looked amazing, the parents were stood at the sidelines, watching with pride, taking photos a plenty and enjoying the spectacle. Staff were dressed for the Oscars too, along with 'press photographers' who snapped away at the children on the red carpet. Alcohol-free bubbly in tall glasses was served by waitresses from silver platters. Autograph books were given to each of the children, with a gold pencil, so that they could sign each other's books. Food has been laid on, along with popcorn and drinks for whilst all the assembled throng watches "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" and later, the awards are given out.

James thinks he is going to win the "most accident prone" student award. Apparently everyone has nominated him.

Tomorrow will most likely be an overly emotional blip tomorrow to mark the milestone...expect tears!

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