"Dream great dreams

and make them come true.
You are unique, there has never been, or will be, anyone like you.
You can always better your best.
Don't look back on failure, unless you wish to go backwards.
Troubles will test you; they need not stop you.
Nothing can take the place of persistence.
Don't give up.
Wishing and hoping will not bring success.
Hard work and a burning desire to do well will.
Within you there is a goldmine - you have to help dig it out.

The words written on one of the many things that James has brought home today.

It seems not a minute ago that he started going to Lorna's - in fact it is over 10 and a 1/2 years ago. That minute ago extends to him starting school...7 years ago. It is 3 years since he left to go to another school, when mine and Lorna's hearts broke more than a little. It's two years ago since he returned and life began properly again. It's only a few weeks since he received his SATs results and made me unbelievably proud of him, for his persistence despite his own doubts and worries about what he could achieve.

Today has been a hard day for him and for his friends. He choked up on the way home when he told me about the final assembly this afternoon, about all of his friends crying "including me, Mum". There were tears a-plenty in the Year 6 show this morning, including a lot of sobbing parents (yes me too!). And this afternoon, his final afternoon in the care of Lorna.

Shirts have been signed, cards have been given and received, the year book and a special photo album will be treasured and have already brought smiles to our faces.

My little man is soon to join the 'big boys' at high school. Fortunately he goes with almost all of his friends from school, so there is familiarity in some respects. He is ready for it - new challenges, a different way of working.

So, my boy - take the advice - dream GREAT DREAMS...believe that you can do anything (within reason of course) and with determination, you will be who you really want to be. Mum and Corin will be right behind you, every step of the way. (Just let me dry my tears first though!)

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