666 - happens to be the number of the image- freak

Today was the day that the potty training began.
I have been putting it off because i really cant be bothered having to take the little bugger to the bog every 4 minutes.
She has had a potty for a while and has weed in it lots and in the past few days she has done some man turds in it.
'Ok Ok Fine! we can stop wearing nappies tomorrow"
She has done really well to be honest. One accident at the dinner table but we did manage a little trip to the park with no embarassing puddles

In the bath tonight:

"Mummy, Daisy not a baby anymore"
"I know darling, you are a big girl now"
"Oh OK so if you aren't a baby but you also aren't a big girl what are you?'
"A Hippo"

Fine by me (the cheeky little bastard)

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