Nell's World

By nell2803

At Last...............

...........I got a decent photo of the deer.

Out early for a cycle. Not as sunny as it has been but dry and still very humid.

Stopped and took some shots of the cows who were not impressed that I had disturbed their breakfast. Further on met a boy out jogging. He is in my daughters year at school. His parents are encouraging him to exercise but he didn't look too enthusiastic. When I spoke to him he had stopped but quickly advised me that he was walking, jogging, sprinting. Probably worried that I told his mum he was slacking!

Further along I heard a rustle in the grass. Was so excited to see the deer again. Haven't seen it for a couple of weeks and was hoping it hadn't come to an untimely end trying to cross the road.

I already had my camera switched on and ready just in case I saw it. (Automatic sports mode today. I do go fully manual for macro shots of inanimate objects but trying to expand this into other areas)

Was expecting the shots to be blurry as I had been so excited when I saw it so close but seems I managed to stay still enough to get the shots I had wanted.

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