Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

"Lovely crinkly edges"

"The Earth!

Well, the Earth Mark II, in fact. We're making a copy from our original blueprints.

Are you telling me you originally made the Earth?

Oh, yes. Did you ever go to a place - I think it was called Norway?

No. No, I didn't.

Pity. That was one of mine. Won an award, you know. Lovely crinkly edges."

Why am I quoting from "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy", you ask*

Well, those who know me or have followed this journal for a while will know that I like my trips and this week I've finally decided that my next adventure will be a chilly one as next summer I'll be heading off north, to the Arctic Ocean on a boat equipped with strengthened hull in search of assorted sea birds, whales, walruses, seals and hopefully polar bears.

As I've got to fly back via two bits of Norway, it seemed rude not to see some of the mainland as I've never been, so I'll be paying a visit to Tromso to see some of those "crinkly edges" close up :-)

Although it's a long while ahead to book a trip, there's very limited accomodation on Svalbard and limited flights out. Still, it gives me plenty of time to learn how to identify sea birds and save up for the telephoto lens that I'm inevitably going to have to buy ;-)


*what do you mean, you didn't know that was a quote from Hitch Hikers?! Shame on you! Go and read/listen to it now. Go on!

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