Dumbo does it again.

Sixty years and it still holds them spell-bound.

It may seem like a bit of a cop-out to be looking after the grandkids for the weekend and sit watching films, especially on such a glorious day as today is.
I have fair reason.
I have been awake since just after 4am.
I gave in just before 6am.
Pancakes where on the breakfast menu, all done, eaten and cleared up by 8am -with more mixture ready for tomorrow morning.
How organised!
A trip to the big carboot sale on the Knavesmire sorted this mornings entertainment out, Maddy has flatly refused to sleep this afteernoon, so we are just chillin with some new bricks -from the bootsale- and some films on the side.
Looking after kids isn't about lots of things to do out of the home, it's about quality time, as I write this Grumps is sat with Jamie at his side building some flying machine and Maddy is using him as a climbing frame and now we have 'How to train your dragon'
I almost feel I should be nipping out to pick up some popcorn.

Hope you are ahaving as lovely-a-weekend as I am.

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