Woke up this morning feline fine.

Meet Ninja Steve Blackie.
He's scared of nowt.

He came to Khoola's house some time last year, her pervious cat had to go for a long sleep -he never really lived with them, he spent most of his time with his other love up the road**.

Steve is faithful and although newtered has the biggest balls ever.

My terriers are some-time working dogs and know that if it has a fur coat it's fair game....not so with Steve the ninja cat, they are on his patch and he IS the boss, so much as a sideways glance from Ruddles or Ruby and you hear hissing and spitting and a very large black cat is holding two terrified terriers at bay.

We've had a fab weekend looking after the Grandkids.

Khoola and Chris enjoyed being pampered at Hotels: Gleneagles and Turnberry.

All in all a fab time had by all!

(well I hope the Grandkids enjoyed it too)

Hope you've had a good one too.

**not the reason for putting him to sleep -he was too poorly to mend.

Now to the Fleece to mark the treasure hunt we set...that is if any of them make their way back!

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