Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Green tomatoes

Very excited to see that finally, I've got some tomatoes! Ok, it will be a while yet before they are ready to harvest, but it's a start. I've watered them every day but probably haven't quite fed them enough, I keep forgetting.

Quite pleased how my gardening is progressing this year. I've got these tomato plants, plus peppers (green and chilli) and butternut squash (very healthy looking leaves since I moved the grow bag out of the sunny spot on the patio, but still no sign of the actual squash!).

My next plan is to take some cuttings from the gorgeous geraniums and maybe some fuchsia cuttings too. I've got no idea how to do it though so please leave any hints and tips in the comments for me.

Next year I've got big plans for a vegetable patch at the bottom of the garden.

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