michigan man

By outdoorguy

An Untidy Turtle

I always like friends and family to tell me if I have dribbled food down the front of my shirt, or if I have something hanging from my nose, mouth, or ear. Then you can discreetly fix it. I don't like complete strangers telling me that there is something wrong...the exception being if the "barn door" is open. "ZIP UP...YOU COMPLETE STRANGER." That's OK.

One spring, during the week...I told a lady stranger in front of us in line at the store...that she had something on her forehead. She politely answered..."It's Ash Wednesday." I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to say..."It's Ash Wednesday...you moron.'" A lesson learned.

You would think a member of his family, or a friend, would tell this turtle that he is covered with green stuff. The smell can't be good, and the look is very unbecoming.

Went down this afternoon, and saw my grandson getting his first haircut. Dad held him on his lap, and his mother buzzed away. He is one handsome little devil...now, even more so.

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