T Falls

Up at 8:25 to see Tahquamenon Falls. There is an upper and a lower falls, and we had camped at the lower falls campground. Come to find out...we had to rent a boat to see the lower falls area. We waited 10 minutes until "Mark" showed up. We were his first renters of the day. "Row, row, row, your boat...off to see the falls....." An old guy (me) rowed the old row boat across the small lake.

Beautiful set of 6-7 smaller waterfalls. Jeff waded into every one. I didn't have my water shoes with me. Several different minerals give the water a coppery look. So pretty.

After making the loop of the lower falls...Jeff rowed us back. We then drove 5 miles away to see the Upper Falls...a 50 footer. Jeff started to climb over the sign that was supposed to keep him back. I had to grab him by the ear...just like he was young again. When we stopped by the gift shop...he whined and cried for a plastic bow and arrow...just like when he was a kid. Sheesh...it never stops.

After 2 lighthouses (Whitefish Point and Iroquis Point), we went to the Soo Locks. If you could spit a long ways...you could spit to Canada from here. It's just over the bridge. We were fortunate to see a 1000 foot boat coming into the locks, but were unfortunate that it was in the second lane...farthest away from us.

Look at the picture of the big boat...the waterfalls...and the lighthouses on my flickr page. Another full day.

On our way to Uncle Steve's trailer in Oscoda, Michigan. But...first Jeff had to show me where he "camped." Let's suffice it to say that it took us an hour and a half to "drive" 8 miles. Like Forest Gump says..."That's all I got to say about that."

Pulled into camp at about 9:15 p.m. Steve and Lori didn't have the materials to make s'mores. What kind of campers don't have marshmallows?

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