my eyes they cannot lie

By girlsonfilm

Holes, History and Holidays

Day 1

Got the train and managed to find the seats and wrestle with the cases.
Found the cottage and congratulated myself because it's a belter...really nice and cosy and 2 minutes from the sea.

Did a bit of a shop at the supermarket then took the girls on the funfair. Poor Jeanne was disappointed the man deemed she wasn't tall enough for the ride (she was...and had been on it before) but she's getting much better at handling disappointment now and doesn't stay upset for too long.

After the fair...we hit the beach, there was a live music concert on so that was really cool. The girls spent a happy couple of hours digging holes and paddling. At one point Evie was hanging in the hole with her just her legs hanging out the top. I was really chuffed that despite splitting with their dad and being car free, I could still provide them with the things they love most on holiday - Sand and sea!

Took them back on the prom tonight and they spent plenty of money on the coin dozers..jeanne is a bit addicted to them...plenty of 2p's went in...not many came out.

We are all tired tonight, and tempers got a bit frayed..they do wind eachother up and that makes me cross...but the house is silent now and I'm really looking forward to what tomorrow brings.
Kate x

29 / 07 / 2010
It was just about this time 12 months ago that the girl's dad told me he didn't want to marry me after 13 years together...he wanted to marry someone else. I can't believe how different my life is now and how it's improved in lots of ways.

I'm a better person as well


Daft Punk

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