Time and opportunity.....

By kayempee

Kondalilla Falls

Apologies for no Blips the last couple of days but I was struck down with a headcold or rather something had taken to living in my sinuses. I didn't miss a day of work and I spent yesterday pretty much in bed, drugged to the eyeballs, but really wanted to get out to a cross country run that our "Lazy Runner" group was doing this morning.

We ran from Baroon Pocket Dam to Kondalilla Falls, 10km of up and down, through rainforest, along a creek, until you finally arrive at the falls. There are "a lot" of steps from the falls proper, up to the car park. This image is of just a small waterfall close to the park entrance. I also wanted to get there so I could enter an image into a photo competition for the great walks, and that closes this week.

You had to feature a person on the trail, with minimal enhancement. The best I could manage this morning after a big run. Self-portrait, managed to plonk my foot into the muddy cold water while trying to get across to the rock for the photo. The crazy things we do sometimes!

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

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