Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

The Fruit Truck

Busy day today. Decided to row around the island -(it's only a couple of miles long and maybe 1/2 mile wide) it was windier in the channel than we anticipated and when we got to the inside harbor, there were more motor boats with wakes than we could ever imagine. Perhaps not the best day for that route. It is B. C. Day monday so a long holiday weekend - the busiest yet this summer.
Had some good time in the studio with "Saturday at the Opera" on the radio -Peter Grimes.
Friends in their sailboat came by in the afternoon to tie up for the night .
And we went to Galiano to meet some artist friends who used to live here - saw one of the island art shows and then a wonderful dinner at a very quaint fine French restaurant- had a great time catching up with B and R. I did appreciate not cooking too!
The photo? many choices, water, boats, art, beautiful garden that the art show was in, gorgeous lilies that B brought me - But I kind of like this truck for something different - a touch of civilization AND art. It belongs to the market owner and picks up the produce, I suppose....

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