Window Sill

There was a bit of excitement in the Dower House last night when the electricity suddenly went off about 10:30 pm and I was plunged into total darkness. His Lordship, having retired to bed and was snoring his way towards the morning, was completely oblivious of the drama.

That's where the flashlight app on my new phone sprung into action at the touch of a button and I could find my way to the only torch in the house.
After a quick check on the fuse box- ok- and a look outside to see torchlight flashing behind other windows, I decided that the authorities could deal with the situation and fumbled my way to bed.

Needless to say everything went back on in the middle of the night which meant I had to get up and turn off the lights and the television, and now every electronic clock in the house is flashing funny numbers as well as the oven and micro wave.

It's unfortunate that the Golden Boy with the android fingers isn't here to fix the latter, as I will now have to get out the instruction manual. Nothing is easy to a retired lady of a certain age.

I am relaxing today to keep myself fresh for a Scottish Night at Prestonfield House Hotel in the company of two daughters and two grandchildren. His Lordship, who was also invited by Oman daughter, has declined the kind invitation, as he would have been the only man in a party of 5 women. The ensuing domestic has run its course.

I'm not too sure what is involved in the evening, but I heard a rumour that the meal will consist of 4 courses and a half bottle of wine each.
Now my maths tells me that with 2 non drinking grand kids present, some of us will be able to drink too much. Please let it not be me.

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