A Night Out

A great night was had by all yesterday when some of the family went to the Scottish Show at Prestonfield House Hotel.
His Lordship, who reneged on the invite for fear of being in the company of five females, really missed out, as he could have gone unnoticed at the big table we were allocated and kept himself happy and aloof with as much free wine as he could imbibe.

Essentially it was a show for tourists, the kind of meet -the- natives kind of thing you get on tour holidays, but since one of the grandchildren present has never lived in Scotland and her mother knew the compère, it was acceptable for the rest of us to enjoy the food, sing along and enjoy the theatre of it all.

And we did sing along and we did enjoy every minute of it, even though it did have vibes of the White Heather Club, which many of you will not remember, but which was the television answer to a ceilidh for viewers far back in the '60s.

For those amongst you who correctly guessed RED as the colour of the Mofti I bought for my new phone, and who were expecting that their names would be put in a hat for a draw on who would inherit my old -phone, I have sad news. I have decided to keep the latter for the time being as a back up on a pay-as-you-go basis... just in case. I'll let you know when 'in case' becomes obsolete.

Today has been another new gadget day. This time it was free gratis and for nothing through the agencies of the NHS, but enough of that today. It may well feature on my blip tomorrow . Fortunately this one is not complicated at all, thank goodness.

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