Damsel or Dragon ?

It's the last day to do the Big Butterfly Count so I went over to Branston Water Park to see if there were any other varieties I had not seen in the Lichfield area.

I did see a Gatekeeper, another Red Admiral and a Peacock, along with various whites, most of which seemed to be Green-Veined Whites.

Red Admiral - side view

Green-veined white


But my blip ended up being this dragonfly/damselfly (I am not sure which it is and I know other blippers will help me).

I was lurking, trying to capture the perfect Gatekeeper, when I got into conversation with a guy with a Canon 7D that he had just bought and was trying it out. He came out with the classic comment : "I wish I'd discovered photography years ago - it might have kept me out of the pub."

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