A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Look pretty don't they!???

These are magnified - in reality, each of the stones here are between 10 and 15 mm across at their widest point. There are 4 of them - one of them is broken. Some people have these stones made into items of jewellery, to keep them as a reminder.....

So by now, you've probably figured out that these are not pretty examples of precious minerals, but in fact the by product of my desire to eat rubbish for 30 years!


Painful. Amzing how something so small makes you feel like dying.

I had these taken out nearly three years ago along with my gallbladder. They must have been building for years, but suddenly started causing pain one night - we thought I was having a heart attack it was so horrible.

But they are fascinating to look at.

Pretty gross - apologies if I duped you into thinking they were something NICE!!!!

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