Love birds

This is the fruit of my labour yesterday. As I have been rushing around working on coursework marking, and other school stuff, and being goddess of the household by cleaning absolutely every nook and cranny I could find in the past two weeks (it IS spring!), I decided yesterday that I would do something for myself. So out came the paints.

I have this picture in mind since I did this last summer but never really got round to doing anything with it. Having used the images as a border for our 'save the date' cards for the wedding (they will be on their way soon, parents and aunties!), I guess they were on my mind.

Up early (for me 9.30 on a saturday) as James' friend Jamie (yes...two Jamie's - it gets confusing) is round for the day to play. Which means I can hide in my office and get the rest of the coursework nailed (had more than I thought - 20 pieces left!) Bugger.

Corin's fingers are alright - he was lifting a piece of tubular aluminium with one of his workmates - loading the van for monday - this aluminium is about the height of a small lamppost - its for a Wind turbine. Anyway, Corin just had his hand around the end as his colleague pulled the other end and the pole dropped onto his fingers. Fortunately, it was only a small drop, if it had come from another 6 inches higher, he possibly would have severed tendons, or worse still, which I don't want to think about. He's gutted though because its his right hand, so its his 'front brake' hand for when he is riding his bike, and given that he has deep cuts on the knuckle which have been steri-stripped - he can't flex his fingers properly to pull the brake lever. So no biking this weekend - and it'll annoy him as the weather is SO nice.

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