Lali's World

By Lali

I love beef

I have decided that my next 12 shot theme will be about the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, but as it hasn't started yet, I can't start, so in the meantime I'll just post any random pics.

Today I started work at half eight in the morning. The one thing I like about starting early on a Sunday is that the streets are empty and I can have a peaceful walk up the road. As it has started to get busy with tourists in Edinburgh, now I prefer going to work across Princes St Gardens, because the green scenery around calms my nerves and it's a bit quieter. However, this morning I saw the sad and depressing reality of Princes St Gardens after a sunny day. They were covered in litter of all sorts! I just cant' believe how people can do that, just drop their litter and leave it there! This shows no education and no respect for anything! Shocking!!!

I had a wee chat with the poor guy that had the unfortunate job of having to pick up all that litter (that's me talking to strangers again!!), and he told me that he was a gardener and that he would prefer to do some gardening than picking up people's rubbish (which is understandable), but he said that, at least, that kept him in a job. A bit of positive way to look at it, but rather depressing. The guy thanked me and said it was nice to see his efforts were appreciated.

Then I came across this piece of writing just before I got to work. This is the exact same spot where I took this other blip.When they cleaned it up, it was just too tempting, I suppose!

Work was ok. Finished reasonably early and now relaxing at home, although nursing a bit of a headache.

Thanks very much for all your comments on my beer shot! I hope you all had a great Sunday! :)

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