Lali's World

By Lali

12. Cold beer

Last entry for my liquid theme!

Didn't see anything in liquid form worth taking a picture of either on my way to work or on my way back, so I just took a picture of the cold beer I had when I finished work. It's another of my abstract pictures. I liked the little bubbles!

Today we were less busy than a normal Saturday for two main reasons: 1. the weather was lovely, so people were probably having picnics and barbeques in the park or having a spash on the beach, 2. There was a royal wedding in the Royal Mile and everybody was there probably trying to get a glimpse of the couple. So I'm not complaining.

As for me, I got to enjoy the sun during my lunch break in my favourite square, which was really peaceful and quiet apart from the occasional free tour lot coming to listen to the story of Deacon Brodie (a gentleman with a very good reputation during the day, which indulged in less virtuous activities during the night), the inspiration for Louis Stevenson's "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde", a very interesting book.

Having a relaxing evening now. Tomorrow I start early, so I won't go out. Early bed for me!

Thanks very much for your nice comments and stars on my yesterday's blip! I do really appreciate them. I hope you're all having a great weekend! :)

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