
We all got up early for the 7.00am ferry, what a great week in Lewis, we all want to return.

I stayed on the deck with Juno as the eco family headed down for some of CalMac's finest morning offerings. I was rewarded with four dolphins chasing the ferry out the harbour bay.

Some lads had cracked the beer at 7.00am and were happy travellers as we crossed with several bottles.

A clear day with a flat calm Minch, I searched for breaching fins but nothing appeared until we got to Loch Broom where a handful of porpoises broke the surface.

Ullapool reached and the second stage of our holiday over to the East Coast. Fantastic clear hills and views, a few pit stops and we arrived at the next holiday cottage. Shopping and then pick up eco gran and eco daughter's pal from the train station.

Settled in and of to bed.

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