Sea Level

I was up at 5, with an unsettled Juno. I lay with her for a while.

I then headed out to the hills for a wee jaunt. Juno was staying at the cottage today.

I had the bike as an old tarmac road would give me access to the hill. I started off and thought I was not feeling that great but realised that the constant uphill was deceptive. The road was flat with broken tarmac with a Brazilian of heather up the middle.

Out of the forest and the glen opened up, the rain started but the hill tops was clear.

Dumped the bike and headed into the hill, it was wet and boggy but an easy angle. A herd of stags headed off when I closed in on them.

Another trig point but a rock for east was the highest point today.

Back to the bike and all the climbing was forgotten about as I breezed out, at times it was frightening the speed I was going at. The bike was superb and the only hitch was puncture as I misjudged a rock. A midge hell for a change of the inner tube.

Back home and back for some breakie. Up to Tain for some supplies and then up the coast for a walk. Juno rolled in a dead seal carcass so we had to get her soaked in the sea, she still stinks.

We watched the local seal colony and Juno was not tempted to play.


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