Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


Almost a SOOC, but I just can't leave things alone! Just a teeny tiny crop, a +0.35 on the exposure, and took the clarity down just a smudge.

It's a real bat, spreading his wings in the bat-cave at Chester Zoo. My oh my were there a LOT of big lenses on display today. People do look rather poncey I think, after all that poncery a few months back here on blipfoto. I spent just as much time watching the photo-takers as I did watching the animals. I wondered, is that what I look like? I was imagining an animal documentary style film about amateur photographers, playing it through in my mind with Attenborough narrating. It'd have tribal drum music playing and exotic bird noises, shot through bushes with a shakey zoom and watching closely as dominant males whip out their enormous lenses and coy young women huddle in groups, giggling as they preen themselves, stretching their iphone cameras in front of themselves to take self portraits.

I do get carried away in my head sometimes. Anyway, I liked the bats, and judging by the amount of food on the floor after dinner this evening, I think I may have accidentally swapped Boo for a monkey...

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