Tentsmuir Evening

Mr Lif could not face walking the dogs in the rain at 4:30pm, so we checked the weather and it said the rain would stop at 7pm. So against heavy grey skies we took the pooches down to the beach.

After the rain a heavy mist hung all around. Normally you can see Dundee quite clearly but this was not the case this evening. Even nearby Tayport was simply a silhouette of buildings peeking through the mist.

Luck was with us though and a little rip in the sky appeared giving us sun directly above us for the entire walk. It got really quite warm and humid.
So we got the best of the evening after all. Oscar had a ball nipping in and out of the pools of water in the ebbing tide, trying to cool down.

Sadly most of the pics I took were dodgy; grey light or bright sun blinding the eye and a lens which is simply not huuuuge enough to take decent shots from far away. So its this or a wet dog :)

Happy Monday fellow blippers :)

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