Uh oh.

Having met the painting deadline we were getting all geared up for the new carpets to be fitted tomorrow. Kerrsdaddy felt the floorboards were a bit squeaky so decided to start screwing them down tonight using a very noisy electric tool.

Kerr then woke up crying with the noise, so I took him through to our room to settle him down. Next thing we heard kerrsdaddy using naughty words rather loudly. He had only gone and put a nail through a gas pipe!

We could hear the gas coming out and smell it too. We flapped around a bit and then phoned the emergency gas people and turned off our gas supply at the stop cock. Kerr absolutely loved all the drama and was clearly in no mood to go back to bed.

The gas man has now been and cut off our supply until we manage to get this pipe repaired. Oh great. No hot water or hob to cook on, and worst of all no carpet getting fitted tomorrow. Grrrrr. Men and DIY.

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