Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

DJ Muppet

What a crappy 48 hours! I either had food poisoning or a relapse of my PVFS, either way I ended up in bed for 36 hours with no food and hardly any consciousness!!!! Worst of all, it was my second wedding anniversary and so it was completely ruined.

Been better today, but only eaten my first meal at 20:30. The wife and girls went to see their new week-old cousin, but I didn't want to risk the journey in case my symptoms came back, so was without them for the second 24 hours in a row :( Missed taking pictures of my new nephew too...

They got back a couple of hours ago, so we ate and I had the pleasure of taking the giddy two up to bed. As you can see from the picture, Hollow Jnr was wearing ear muffs! Given that it is unbelievably sticky-hot I needed to know why: she is a crane operator lifting her sister out of the North Sea as she dives for bananas.....I had to ask didn't I?

I worry for that one :-/

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