Blip meet 2011

I have been so excited about today and although it is sad that a couple of blippers that had hoped to join us couldn't I still had such a lovely day. For those who wonder, yes Fern Willow and Katie are as adorable as they seem. They were a joy to spend the day with. Fernies Mummy and Daddy and Katies Mummy were so easy to get along with and made my two terrors day by paying them lots of attention. We spent ages on the beach and in the sea which was so much fun. Lyme beach though is a lot smaller this evening after Fernie developed a taste for sand!!! She was even dipping her fingers into a little collection in her buggy and sucking it off her fingers!! A girl after my own heart as apparently I did the same as a baby. As you can imagine when 3 blip Mummies meet there were A LOT of pictures taken. I wanted to have my blip as one of the children all together and love this one with all the ice lollies.

Meeting up again tomorrow and hoping for Darren to take a Mummy and child group blip. He'll have to be an honourary blipper for the day.

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