
By shaachan

Ann Siang Hill

Went to Chinatown with XY earlier today cause I figured I needed to get out and not think about my failed relationship.

She got shampoo, we got teas, had zha jiang mian, and spent some time wandering around taking pictures. This dude was having his hair cut, and as I approached, he suddenly whipped his head and shouted, "Bu ke yi pai!!", which means you cannot take (a super rare and thus valuable picture of the awesome and honourably-good-looking-213-year-old me)!

So I shrugged, gave him a whaaaaa? look and walked away.

The barber dude looked like a nice old man though. Oh, and did I mention the focus of my picture was not the barbee, but the barber in the first place? Look at his adorable chagrined face!

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