
By shaachan

Chousan da!

Went to Chinatown today with Xy, had awesome har gow (steamed prawn dumpling) and siew mai (prawn and pork dumpling) and salted egg ba zhang (glutinous rice dumpling) and tang yuan (rice balls with peanut paste and sesame paste fillings) in peanut soup. It totally ruined whatever appetite I had for the planned dinner after, but meh. I fit in milk pudding and chocolate-dipped ice cream anyway.

These lanterns (chousan is Japanese for these kind of lanterns, if I'm not wrong) were hanging in neat, hypnotic rows outside the temple at Chinatown. It was really pretty, and I'm guessing it's only there cause it's the Hungry Ghost Festival and all.

Today is Xy's BIRTHDAY!! She turns 20 today, so OMEDETOU GOZAIMASU! As her present, we kinda pooled money and got her a membership to something. I wonder what it is... *winkwink*

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