Crazy Korean

The festival must have kicked off today as the Royal Mile was heaving with Street Acts, tourists and performers pushing their shows at lunchtim. Lots and lots of shots but really liked the crazy Korean guys from Babbling Comedy 2, hence this shot of one of them.

Even the walk back down to the office was full of street performers, giving the whole place a great happy buzz. Just a pity I have something else to do tomorrow & Friday so wont be able to go blipping. If today was anything to go by, the next few weeks are going to be great at lunchtime. Can't wait!

Randa was over this evening for dinner and brought a friend of hers who was visiting from Atlanta USA. They had been in Edinburgh today as well to find the visitor, Cory, some bottles of Brewdog Sink the Bismarck to take back home. He had sampled Brewdogs wares in the USA and heard about Bismarck when in York earlier this week so was on a mission to get 3 bottles to take home. Something about the people coming to his to sample it all being chicks!

Luckily i had two bottles of other Brewdog ales left over for him to drink with dinner, as the alternative was American larger left over from our other visitors earlier in the week (who left yesterday after staying with us for 11 days). Must go get lots more ale as i felt ashamed only having larger (last two visitors dont drink real mans brew).

Nice meeting you Cory; hope you enjoy that ludicrously expensive beer when you get back!


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