Anyone for cricket?

Grace, Ophelia and I are staying at Northside Farm Wigwam Orchard for a couple of days with over a dozen of the girls' friends and their Yummy Mummies. Believe me, 'glamping' is a lot easier than staying in a tent! The wigwams have comfy beds, heaters, kettle, toater, microwave... Nice! Our friends Olivia and Ralph have done a brilliant job setting up this business, and I'm glad it's taken off so well for them.

It's a fab place for kids and can't begin to say how lovely it has been to see all the little ones playing together. There's a huge trampoline out back and a huge expanse of grass out front for footie, cricket and whatever other games they fancy.

We had a massive BBQ cook-out in the evening and spread out the picnic blankets, but then the heavens opened, so the others hastily put up an extra tent for the adults, and I relied on my day-job skills and tried to muster all the littlies in the other tent whilst they all finished their teas.

We eventually got all the kids to bed in the wigwams - it was a bit exciting for them and hard for Ophelia to settle as she had never been out of her cot at night before.

Then it was time for the Mummies to crack open the bottles, stoke up the campfire and chill for a few hours' conversation. Aaahhhh - and relax!

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