Country File

By marypot

Glamping Day Two!

We had a LATE night last night, but the girls didn't seem to respect that, as Grace was up at half five. Thanks Grace. Still, the other kids all got their Mums up around the same time, so it wasn't just me who had the rude awakening! Our second day at Northside Farm Wigwam Orchard was loads of fun. The weather was still a little unpredictable, but in between the showers we managed to play some sports with the kids, go for a walk (and find a teeny, tiny froglet!), chill out for a bit, get out for lunch at Vallum Farm and ice cream parlour, stoke up the BBQ again, order in a mountainous stack of pizzas in for tea. It's all about the food, baby.

We came home tonight after dinner, as we have a busy, busy day tomorrow and I don't think I could survive it if I were to have another 4hour sleep ;)

Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of Mam's death. It would have been so much harder to go through if I'd been stuck at home feeling sad. Mam wouldn't want that. This has been the best tonic. Getting out and about with close friends was brilliant, and seeing my girls as happy as larry: priceless!

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