Five things

By fivethings

Sows lugs and stunt cats

1. The entire platform full of folk watch with baited breath as a cat pops out of the embankment onto the train tracks, strolls along, jumps up, wanders over and down again on to the other tracks and sits sunning itself as the 9.34 pulls into the station. The guard tells me it happens all the time and no one worries cause the cat is faster than the trains.

2. To thank Dallis for taking my pictures yesterday I give her a card. I bought it ages ago and it's found the perfect home. It quotes Mr R Burns at his accurate best. It says 'You cannae mak a silk purse oot a sows lug'.

3. I have a course all afternoon in an office by the river, which involves a stroll down through town in the sunshine. On my way I see some demolition in progress. I like seeing buildings caught in a state of undress.

4. The course melts my head, isn't what I thought it was going to be about and is far too hard. There's a part two next week as well. It finishes an hour early though, so happy days.

5. A wander home, a little restless but in the sunshine.

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