Five things

By fivethings


1. A very lovely and very busy office this morning; Caroline and Frankie, Frances and Peter, Tessa and erm, Graham. It's a baby-licious start to the day.

2. I have a Skype meeting with Wolf Brown from Chicago. Seth has given me the Skype for dummies lesson, Tessa has made me double up laughing at the idea of calling the full cast of the musical Chicago by mistake. They are writing a white paper on the project I worked on and I hear myself as I talk about it. I talk pretty well. What we did rocked.

3. An afternoon run with Catrin and Karen. We have all signed up for the half in a few weeks and these two are doing proper training. For weeks they have asked me to join them and today I do. They literally go the extra mile(s). They do 9 and I do 6. For all that it's hard to be the slowest, I feel great. My six miles is a good un and next time I'll go further. They are great people to run with; fast, relaxed, happy and driven.

4. A drink with Gilly. Just the two of us at the Butterfly and Pig.

5. We join Frances and Caroline for a meal at Abode. Here they are; three great women that I am very happy to know. Two bottles of fizz, two cocktails, three courses and some very, very good conversation. A great night.

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