Country File

By marypot

Upsy Daisy here I come, I'm the only Upsy one...

(Got you singing!)

Today was busy, busy. I'm not quite recovered from the 'glamping' of the past couple of days. Such a lightweight these days, me. This morning we visited the dentist. I couldn't believe how brilliant the girls were. They both clambered into the chair when it was their turn and opened mouths obligingly. I remember being terrified of the dentist as a kid!

After that, we grabbed a little lunch and went to eat it picnic-style in the park, then the girls let off some steam in the playground.

This afternoon we joined several hundred other families in the circus big top to see the 'Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Tribute'. To me and Hubby, it wasn't the most amazing experience, especially after seeing all the clubhouse gang in Disneyland a few months ago...but to the kids it was pure heaven. It wasn't just Mickey and Friends on stage, but also Upsy Daisy and Iggle Piggle, Peppa Pig, Woody and Buzz Lightyear. Grace was in stitches half the time and had a little dance. Ophelia looked awestruck and kept shouting 'YAYYYY!'. Very cute, and a huge relief to Hubby and me, as she was really exhausted and had gone through a meltdown just before the show started.

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