.....You're my Angel.....

Dierama Pulcherrimum.....or commonly Angel's Fishing Rod.

I've borrowed a camera, a Nikon D50, and I've been playing with it all day.
I've shot hundreds of pictures of everything I could think of, baseball caps, a Venetian mask, Pasha the Cat, the sky, rotting wood and dozens of flowers, and lots more.

This is the shot the Boss liked....and then she told me the name of the plant.......and then she smiled and said "Obviously nothing to do with your fishing, you're no angel!"

I'm thinking of buying a bigger, better camera, but am at a complete loss. I like this one, but you can't buy it any more. I've looked at all my subscribers and subscriptions and it's an even split between Canon and Nikon, I don't want a bridge, and I definitely don't want to spend a fortune.

I really can't decide what to do.......I know I'll have to keep my little compact.....you can't take a biggish camera when you go fishing...or to work every day for that matter.........but I do want to take better pictures.....so do I buy one now?.......or drop hints for Christmas.........or save up for a while and get something really good?...............or how about a second hand D50?........aaaaarrrggghhhh!

As the Boss has just said, "You used to be indecisive....but now you're not so sure."

And now I have to wait for a moderator to o.k. this blip because it's only just come to light that the date is wrong on the camera.....aaaarrrggghhh!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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