...bicycle race, bicycle race.....

What a day!

Up early to watch the Olympics and wait for the guys to come fit the new gate.

It was amazing....bronze medals for Alan Campbell in rowing, Karina Bryant in Judo and Rebecca Adlington in swimming......but even better...... gold medals for Katherine Grainger (at last) and Anna Watkins in rowing, the cycling pursuit team of Ed Clancy, Geraint Thomas, Steven Burke and Peter Kennaugh....and best of all gold for Victoria Pendleton in the cycling keirin...she's my favourite!

Jessica Ennis is leading in the heptathlon and Ben Ainsley is well placed in the sailing...the only low point was the Ladies Football team losing to Canada in the quarter finals....but ...hey you can't have everything.

Oh....the gate....yeah that looks pretty excellent too!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

Bloody Hell! I forgot the rowing bronze for George Nash and Will Satch!!!!! Sorry boys!

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