
Joanna Banana was gifted a blip pass for her graduation and told me to redeem it today. So there is the queen of boogie boarding (front) and my favorite scattergories partner Nicole (back).

Not as nice out as yesterday. The water was a bit..dare I say..chilly. Probably still 10 degrees warmer than Jones Beach so I will not complain.

Can't withhold the adorableness of this group shot from all of you so take a look. Only wish Jack and Dannyboy were in it.

Played a civil game (in comparison to the way my friends play) of scattergories with the cousments tonight. Nicole and I rocked at it and tied Joanna and Jessica for first. Peanut butter pie distracted us from doing a tie breaker.

Now I must propose these two questions to readers: 1) Do tractors and theaters have windows?
2) Would you pack salami in a suitcase?

Thank you and goodnight.

"People want pretty much the same things: They wanted to be happy. Most young people seemed to think that those things lay somewhere in the future, while most older people believed they lay in the past."
-Nicholas Sparks

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