
By mandygf

found Cooper... but where's Nessie?

...we had another busy day today....

first a lovely brunch... made by me of course.... then we headed back to Fort William...

within 10 minutes of being there Stuart had lost Cooper... he was standing beside Stuart & he turned to look at something & turned back & Cooper was gone.... he came over to us to see if he'd come to us... no Cooper...

my heart stopped & then went into panic mode... we searched the shop.... then I headed outside & went up & down the street (luckily it was a pedestrian zone....) I found him standing in the middle of the street with his fingers in his mouth just looking around... I shouted to him & he came running to me... & he says.. "I lost you mummy..." no tears... just standing there... I was so happy to see him I was almost in tears.... so many things go through your head at a time like that & none of them nice either....

after all the madness we headed up to Fort Augustus - Loch Ness in true Scottish style.. as we got there the heavens opened....

another tourist haven....

...we watched the boats go through the locks...

...we ate chips on the waters edge....

...we went to go & watch the glass blowing....

& Stuart went to the pub for a pint!

we went down to the Loch side to see if we could see Nessie... but no joy!

so many photo's to choose form it's not going to be easy to choose which to use....

tomorrow we pack up & head back home....

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