It is a beautiful life-

By domo


It's amazing how the smallest thing can have the biggest affect on a persons day

Today I did nothing more than clean my room, get a few photos developed, and sit around wondering why my dad still hasn't said more to me then, "Talking to you is like talking to the floor" and why my mom refuses to acknowledge that anything is wrong. Mostly, I was sitting around waiting for the weekend to end so that I could go back to work and be surrounded by people and not feel so abandoned.


I was sitting in my blue chair when my phone started ringing and a number appeared that I didn't recognize. I picked up and realized it was my friend Jory! I was so excited. He called to tell me about how his friend saw his photo on blipfoto but didn't recognize who had taken the shot. We chatted a bit about other things, and although the conversation was short it was really nice. It was the first conversation I had had all day that actually involved me hearing the persons voice, and not just being typed. It was awesome and random and it made my day.

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