It is a beautiful life-

By domo

Choo Choo

Now Ive been happy lately, thinking about the good things to come
And I believe it could be, something good has begun

I took this photo out of my car window with the point and shoot that I usually keep in my bag while the train was rolling down the track.
It's simple and crooked. What I really love is the tree that you can see between the two train carts.

Today was all work, and very little play.
I talked to Devan (a 9 year old who always manages to wander into the pool when it isn't open swim and talk me into letting him swim) for a good 30 minutes. That was about the only play that I got in my day.
It's been go go go since 9 this morning, I wasn't expecting it.

Now, I am home and ready for quite the uneventful day tomorrow. I have nothing that needs to be done until 4!

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