All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


This morning Ethan & I met up with Foreveryoung, Mr Foreveryoung & Eden to go swimming. Ethan had his usual 1/2 hour swimming class, while the other 3 splashed around in the pool. It was Eden's first time swimming and she seemed to really enjoy it!

After that, Ethan & I headed over to Beith as we are staying with Granny & Grandpa tonight. Ethan slept during the hour journey, woke when we got there and had lunch. We then walked down to the library & Ethan enjoyed choosing some books. He fell asleep in the pushchair on the way back to Granny & Grandpa's house and slept for 2 hours!

He enjoyed playing with the pirate stick on's in the bath this evening but we had a battle at bedtime. In the end he fell asleep cuddled up to me on the spare bed, but not after several tired tantrums.

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