Dreams Are Made of Emotion....

This is the middle third of my journey.

I heart my cycle home. What's not to love when it looks like this.

I may moan about my arse ache, but in truth I do enjoy the fresh air, and the me time.

I don't however like the flies. Today I swallowed one, and another one went in my eye.

I said Hello to 4 Random Strangers. Laughed Out loud at two rabbits banging into each other in their rush to avoid me, and nearly fell off moving over to the edge to let a cyclist, who was ringing his bell frantically, past me.

I passed Golfers, my Boy's work (and waved in case he was skiving), people taking dogs for walks, a man letting something wild out of a cage (I know this because he was swearing as whatever it was tried to get out of the cage before he got the door open). I passed the scene of a murder (I always pass the scene of a murder, and I'm trying to decide if it will make a good blip, or in poor taste). I passed a train sitting idling on part of the line which is never used, and I know the close neighbours will be on the phone to the local councillor as I type. I passed the most gorgeous golden brown retriever, and I watched the path ahead as home came closer and closer.

As I get to the end of the path, my heart sings, and I get an extra boost of leg power. I fly up the end of the trail, skoot across the road, and then bounce up on the pavement and onto our road.

I love coming home. I love bouncing down the drive, and then I throw myself on the grass and recover for a little bit.

Strange and happy things have happened today.

I feel a good week coming.


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