Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Kids toys

Damn i realised last night that i didn't have a picture for Thursday. What to do i'd spent the best part of 4 hours fucking about with ridiculous over editting of completely pointless pics i'd blipped over the last week, and totally forgot to take anything serious i could submit for the day.

It had been a pretty eventful day all in all what with getting up and remembering to have breakfast then...well sitting for a bit before standing for a bit. By mid morning i thouht to myself..."H old boy you need to sit some more" so i did. By lunch things were geting pretty intense all the sitting and standing was getting to me a bit so i decided i'll walk some. So i walked to the kithen for lunch.

Once lunch was done it was time to venture out, Now there isn't much i dislike in this world, maybe politics, benefits, smackheads, defence lawyers, man u, other peoples kids, swede,reality tele...ah fuck it what am i saying i hate most things but in with that lot is ASDA in Boston. At best it is a fucking shithole littered with ignorant migrant workers buying £1.99p vodka and dirty smelly fucking scumbag work shy doley Jeremey Kyle guests fighting over the whoopsy items to save themselves enough of my tax money to get 20 mayfair and a couple of scratchcards. However the nappies there were 30p cheaper than Tesco and ...every little helps as they say.

While i was there i figured i'd buy my little boy a present...because thats what good parents do, not that there is many of them in ASDA. So i spot these little cars. He already has one at home the green one on the right which he loves and calls his zoom zoom, so sweet! They are marked at £1 each so it would be rude not to buy 5 right?

Anyway after seeing these 123, blips of kids toys i figured these cars would make a good quick blip. Of course they wouldn't be mine if i didn't "tweak" them slightly just as an experiment i actually like this effect.

The end of this story however isn't a good one. Fucking ASDA ripped me off they over charged me by 4 fucking pound. So once i've been and got my double the difference back i'm going to "roll back" to Tescos.

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