A little bit of sunshine
Today started dull, and stayed that way until about 4pm, so I used the time to sit down and play about with my camera, to read about the settings, and to have a go at taking some shots in RAW format. I often use the fact that I'm photographing birds and insects as an excuse to just point and shoot, so often the best shots are more luck than management. I also just stumble about quite blindly when it comes to editing, and whilst I know that the photographer's "eye" is the most important thing, I still see no shame in being in full control of my camera and editing software.
I know that some people are purists about "straight from the camera" and that's OK, but I think it's a shame to have a wonderfully versatile and sophisticated piece of equipment like a DSLR and have it set to auto. A bit like having a TV and watching only one channel.
I've been watching the programme about the Impressionists on TV, and in my art class we've often talked about how the invention of photography may have acted at least in part as a catalyst for artists to become more adventurous and experimental. I think in the same way, the accessibility of digital photography to everyone gives us some wonderful choices about what we do with our photos. I think I can make the most of those choices only if I learn mastery of my camera and the software. So today, a bit of self-discipline and study.
It brightened up for a short time about 4 so I went out into the garden to try out some of the stuff I'd learnt. And the blip? No technical BS. Just the one I liked best at the end of the day.
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