Singing in my Chains

By Cadi

Taff Trail (again)

Went for a cycle with a friend up the Taff Trail today. People can get a bit poncey about green spaces. I blame the Romantics myself; the original middle classes who invaded the countryside telling everyone how marvelously natural and spiritual they all were. Don't get me wrong, I love to get out into the open air or have a plunge into a lake or the sea. And I'm the first to blither on about the superior beauty of the Welsh countryside. But it was/is also a place of work for many. Which is why I've blipped this today. This is a feeder lock from the River Taff to what was the Merthyr - Cardiff canal which would have brought coal down from the valleys for export. A little reminder of how industry and countryside aren't dichotomised but sometimes co-exist.
Rant over. This is also an area where I grew up so my poor friend got a lot of: 'there's where I was accidentally smacked in the head with a rounders bat. There's where my sister fell off a rope swing into a hollybush. There's where Tracey Evans kept her pony in the back garden...'

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